Training for professionals in horticulture
The following workshops are offered this winter. Click here for workshop details.
Pruning of Trees and Fruit Trees
Vernon: Saturday February 1 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Okanagan College, phone 250-545-7291 or website
Kelowna: Saturday March 1 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Okanagan College, phone 250-862-5480 or website
Penticton: Saturday March 15 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Okanagan College, phone 250-492-4305 or website
Pruning Landscape Trees and Shrubs
Kelowna: Saturday March 22 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Okanagan College, phone 250-862-5480 or website
Compost Preparation and Use
Penticton: Saturday March 8 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Okanagan College, phone 250-492-4305 or website
Lawn Care for Professionals
Kelowna: Saturday April 12 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Okanagan College, phone 250-862-5480 or website
Workshops details
Pruning Trees and Fruit Trees
Make sure you know good pruning from bad pruning.
This workshop will review important modern concepts such as good tree structure, what and where to cut, as well as pruning tools and their maintenance. There will be a strong focus on minimizing cuts so the tree can heal rapidly. As a bonus, there will be a discussion of pruning to encourage production in fruit trees.
The information is designed for persons working in the horticulture industry; home gardeners are also welcome.
Morning session indoors. Afternoon session is hands-on with tools and outdoor exercise.
Pruning Landscape Trees and Shrubs
This 1-day workshop will be of interest to landscapers, municipal workers and gardeners responsible for a variety of landscape plants. We will examine modern standards for pruning with an emphasis on healthy plant growth and public safety in common areas.
Topics covered will include appropriate pruning for common shrubs grown in the region; structural pruning for young trees; prescriptions for mature trees; corrective action for topped trees; retrenchment for declining trees. There will be plenty of exercises to practice the information. The afternoon session will be partly outdoors.
Compost Preparation and Use
Proper manipulation of organic matter can make plants healthier.
How do we do it? Come find out. We will discuss ideas and recipes you can implement immediately. Topics will include preparation and testing of compost, and using composts to suppress plant diseases. This intensive 1-day seminar will be of interest to organic growers, landscapers and persons working in horticulture.
Morning is indoors. Afternoon is hands-on to practice the information.
Lawn Care for Professionals
Can we maintain lawns without using toxic pesticides? The answer is “yes”, but a successful program requires a sound understanding of many cultural practices. Join us as we discuss these questions and review the important requirements for fertilization, aeration, irrigation and many more. Expect to leave with ideas you can implement immediately.
This day-long workshop will be of interest to commercial landscapers and gardeners wanting in-depth information. Participants will discuss specific problems and the best practices for a successful program. The afternoon session will be hands-on with many exercises.
Other workshops available on request
Pest Management for Fruit Trees
This workshop will be of interest to professionals who manage fruit trees in backyards or commercial orchards. We will examine common insect and disease problems found on apples, cherries, peaches and other fruit trees. Participants will develop a management plan based on the seasonal cycle of the pest.
The information is designed for persons working in the horticulture industry; home gardeners are also welcome.
There will be a strong focus on non-chemical methods. Newer pesticide products will also be discussed.
Pest Management for Cannabis Production
This workshop is for persons growing cannabis plants indoors or outdoors and is designed for commercial growers of medicinal cannabis, persons growing cannabis for personal use or persons interested in working in this industry. The content will also be of interest to persons working in greenhouse production of flowers and vegetables.
The workshop will guide students through a review of the main pest problems of cannabis production and discuss management tools that are effective and meet the requirements of Health Canada.
The morning will be a detailed focus on powdery mildew and spider mites, the two key pest problems of cannabis. We will examine all options for management, either for organic production or with conventional pesticides that are registered for this crop.
The second part of this workshop will be hands-on with biocontrol products for spider mites, best use of spray equipment, and best practices when using pesticides. We will complete the day with a review of pests of concern during propagation such as fungus gnats, thrips and root rot.
Weed Management Without Pesticides
This intensive one-day workshop will focus on shrub, flower beds, streets and sidewalks. There will be presentations of methods proven effective to replace common pesticides.
Topics covered will include prevention and identification of common weeds, examples of non-chemical weed management from Europe, tools and products, and “low toxicity / low impact” products allowed by municipal pesticide bylaws.
The topic will be of interest to landscape professionals and persons working in public agencies. Participants will leave the class with new ideas for programs to implement immediately at their workplace.
Diagnostic of Plant Diseases
What is wrong with my tree? If you hear this question from your customers, this workshop is for you.
Join us as we discuss common problems found on plants in our region. We will examine visual cues to distinguish between abiotic (nutrition, weather, chemical injury) and biotic (fungi, bacteria, virus) factors. We will review the diagnostic skills and the methods to make the best possible assessment on-the-spot. This one-day class will be of interest to persons working in horticulture or seeking employment in that industry, and to home gardeners with basic knowledge of plants.
The afternoon portion is hands-on. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their diagnostic skills with different samples of plants showing disease problems.
Nutrient Deficiencies and Fertilization of Landscape Plants
Why are the leaves yellow? What fertilizer would help get a healthier plant?
If these questions are important to you, join us for a one-day intense workshop designed for professionals working in the horticulture industry. We will examine symptoms and nutrient deficiencies that are common on plants growing in this region – ornamentals, conifers and fruit trees, and methods to correct those problems.
All nutrients will be covered—from nitrogen to iron to zinc. Expect to leave the day with new ideas for your customers. As a bonus, we will examine how to read laboratory reports of tree samples.
Morning session indoors. Afternoon session hands-on with real plant samples.
Planting Trees and Shrubs
Things you do at the time of planting will have a big impact for many years. Join us as we discuss the practices that make a difference – the planting hole, the soil we add, the mulch we apply, and methods to conserve water after planting.
Of special interest, we will examine the root system of many trees and shrubs, either field grown or container grown. Come learn what roots to remove before you plant – expect to be surprised!
This one-day class will be of interest to persons working in horticulture or seeking employment in that industry, and to home gardeners planning a landscape installation project. The afternoon session is hands-on to practice concepts discussed during the morning.
Compost Tea Preparation and Use
Compost tea is more than just putting compost into the water. It also means adding good quality compost and specific foods to grow different microbes. Should we have more bacteria? Or more fungi? Or more protozoa?
Join us as we examine the different compost tea preparations and their application for landscape plants, lawns and greenhouse plants. We will review new knowledge about soil biology.
This will be a full-day hands-on workshop. We will be brewing compost tea with different commercial machines. Participants will leave with recipes to brew on their own.
Greenhouse Production – The Basics
Want to grow better plants? Join us as we discuss how to grow healthy, compact plants that bloom!
This intensive one-day workshop will be of interest to persons currently working in commercial greenhouses or wishing to find employment in that sector. Examples will be given for vegetables and flowering plants. Topics covered will include growing media, watering, temperature and light, as well as common insects and diseases found in most crops.
This will be a full-day workshop. The afternoon session will be hands-on with preparation and testing of growing media.
Soil Management to Conserve Water
Look around: many plants are showing symptoms of water deficiency.
What practices can we implement that will help our trees and shrubs during periods of drought? Come learn about glomalin, mycorrhizal fungi and soil aggregation. Join us as we discuss the practices we can implement immediately to have a positive impact in the future.
Management of Landscape Trees – Young, Mature and Veteran
Management of a young tree is not the same as management of a mature tree. The work required is changing as the tree is growing. What we do today will keep our trees healthy and reduce potential liability in the future.
Join us for this one-day workshop as we discuss the critical requirements: care at the time of planting and post-planting, protection of trees during construction projects, assessment and correction of hazards, and preserving very old trees through retrenchment pruning. Trees should be allowed to age gracefully!
Morning session indoors. Afternoon session will be hands-on with trees in real situations.
Insect Identification and Management
This intensive one-day workshop is designed for pesticide applicators who manage landscape pest problems.
The presentations will cover the common insect pests found in the region such as aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, borers and others. We will examine typical damage symptoms and discuss management methods, including the best use of current pesticides and effective non-pesticide methods.
There will be a hands-on session to help improve diagnostic skills and a review of new pesticides now entering the market.